Hmelnov beer

Beer Hmelnov

Beer Hmelnov


Official site "Hmelnov"

Beer has taste. Beer has name. Beer has volume of HMELNOV mood!
Forget the spoiling of the recipes as there is only classic recipe proven by centuries: water, malt, yeast, hop.
“Hmelnov” is perfect beer at good price. It is the beer that should appear! It is the beer that men value! “Hmelnov” is not called “popular” it is called “Ours!” There is a leader in bander, a battalion commander in the army and “Hmelnov” in the beer market. That’s all, point!
And may it be written that hop is of flowering plants in the encyclopedia. Only hope cone is good enough for the real beer!

beer hmelnov Beer Hmelnov - taste Вкус Команда «Хмельнов» подобрала наиболее популярные сорта в свою линейку, чтобы каждый любитель пива нашёл напиток на свой вкус Beer Hmelnov - Fresh Свежесть Свежесть пива – залог яркости вкуса! Мы делаем всё, для того, чтобы любители «Хмельнова» всегда наслаждались только свежим напитком

Hop and beer

Raw material determines quality of the beer. Water is of good quality in Belarus, malt is easy to be brewed and there is no lack of brewer’s yeasts any more. Thus, the quality of the beer is determined by hop! Only the best hop, prepared according to the rules, is selected for the beer “Hmelnov”.
● Firstly, it is necessary to start work immediately after hop cones picking as they should be dried efficiently. Over dried or under dried hop is like overcooked or undercooked meat: it resembles product but there is no pleasure at all! We start to dry hop at temperature no more than 30 degrees and rise the temperature very gradually.
● Secondly, it is necessary to stop drying process in time. Hop stalk should stay resilient. If it breaks then the hop is wrong!
● Thirdly, we can’t do without light mystique as ready hop should be processed with sulfur vapor. It is the only way to preserve it up to the moment when the main beer ingredient will be added to brewer’s tun.
Only the right hop can create HMELNOV mood!

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Beer Hmelnov Svetloe

Morning is the light. And even if eyes scarcely open things like vogue shadows roam around the room, there is only one recipe of real elucidation of consciousness… Well, guys will understand and others do not need to!

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Beer Hmelnov Bochkovoe

Cash on the line? Fair’s fair! There are rules that aren’t violated. Neither are they discussed. They are male rules. And it is not important who you are deep in your soul: pirate or cowboy, knight or traveller. The main thing is that you are the man who plays by the male rules.

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Beer Hmelnov Barnoe

Who said “from the pub”? Do not confuse concepts! Our beer shop is the peculiar atmosphere where man is man’s friend and not just the human-being. It is the place where a person will share the last bream with you because beer’s taste is more splendid after fishlet!

hmelnov krepkoe

Beer Hmelnov Krepkoe

As friend’s shoulder in the box of parade crew because otherwise keep alignment is impossible. As handshake of the old friend whom you have not seen for ages and who you want to sit with. As male duty which is hard to bear but impossible to throw! You need only know how to relax…

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Beer Hmelnov Zhigulevskoe

It is like parents’ Zhiguli: you sit crooked and it works badly but nevertheless it is as second skin – all standing. All standing there where it should be inherently. And the taste is as it was in that first gulp made sneakily with lads…

Pistachios, 70 grams.

Pistachios Hmelnov

Pistachios "Hmelnov" will become for you "the same." Having tried them, you will not exchange this signature taste for anything. Tasting with friends: it’s inexcusable not to share such a taste.

Men stories

There are facts of life. Men stories are not about who and what buys and how much it costs. They are not about brands and other glare. Men stories are about life, about its light and dark sides with non-filtered feelings and sometimes with swear words. Men stories are about loyalty and friendship, about sincere gratitude to those who are around you.
They are about men who are backbone of the world. They are about you!
Sincerely yours, “Hmelnov”.